One of the things we love about the strange little eponymous creatures we raise at Axolotl Planet is how strange they look. We’ve even been asked if they're fish (read more about this in our articl...

At Axolotl Planet, we get lots of questions about the strange and fantastic creatures known as Axolotls. One question that we often get—usually from the parents of very enthusiastic children—is “So...

How Many Axolotl Colors Are There?
Axolotls are notable for a variety of strange and wonderful features! Their flowing tail fins, their happy, dopey expressions, their feathery gills, and—what you’re probably interested in—their wid...

How Can I Tell If My Axolotl Is A Boy or A Girl?
The short answer is that, until an axolotl is sexually mature, it’s not possible to reliably tell whether an axolotl is male or female. Once they reach sexual maturity, though, it’s fairly easy to ...

Are axolotls good pets? The short answer is: yes, axolotls can be very easy to care for. BUT, like every aquatic pet (especially amphibians) they require research, preparation, and consistency in ...

What are the Rarest Axolotls in the World?
What is a morph? A morph is not a true scientific identifier, but it is the common term used by axolotl breeders and enthusiasts all around the world to describe a specific axolotl color, or pheno...

Where Do Axolotls Live and Why Are They Endangered?
Introduction Axolotls are a species of neotenic salamander that have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, now ranked as the second most wanted pet, due to their adorable appearance and introd...

Introduction Many new axolotl enthusiasts frequently ask the question: Do blue axolotls exist? The answer to this is no, true blue axolotls do not exist. While there are many photos and videos on t...